The Level 7 Business Transition Services Ownership Independence Assessment is a self-reporting tool designed to measure the level of dependence an organization has on a leader, usually the owner. Too much dependence on leadership can create significant bottlenecks within the organization, reduces employee engagement and reduces the value of business in the eyes of investors. The result of this assessment will be presented to you as your Ownership Independence (OI) Score.
Knowing your OI score will help you prioritize next actions so that the organization can become sustainable and independent from the owner, more quickly adapt to change, and improve performance overall, thus setting the owner up to be able to exit when they want and on their own terms.
The first step to a Level 7 Organization begins here. You will be presented with a series of statements. Please select the answer that best describes your situation as it is today.

This assessment in its entirety is copyright of Velocity Advisory Group, LLC and can not be reproduced in any way.

Ownership Independence Assessment

Q1. I am able to take 3 weeks or more off annually and the company functions well in my absence.*
Q2. I have good boundaries with my work and maintain a healthy balance between work and personal time.*
Q3. I am not an essential part of our service or product delivery process.*
Q4. I am not essential to major business decisions such as large-scale purchases, additions to the employee benefits packages or other major items.*
Q5. I am not responsible for maintaining primary relationships with key suppliers and vendors.*
Q6. I am rarely, if ever, a bottleneck in decision making.*
Q7. I have not been described as a micromanager.*
Q8. Major projects and project teams can be mapped out without me.*
Q9. Not all key positions report directly to me.*
Q10. I am not highly involved in hiring and interviewing all new employees.*
Q11. There is a contingency plan in place to address leadership and operations of the business in a crisis.*
Q12. I am not always the primary subject matter expert and primary source of industry knowledge for this company. There are others on the team with high levels of expertise.*
Q13. While I may play a part in the process, the leadership team is responsible for developing and implementing the company strategy.*
Q14. We have an established performance management system that operates independently of me.*
Q15. Bonuses are not determined subjectively by me.*
Q16. I am rarely brought in to resolve issues with employees which are, instead, competently addressed by others on the team.*
Q17. We have a CFO or Accountant who looks over, interprets, and makes decisions regarding our financials as opposed to someone providing me with the financial statements.*
Q18. Other people play a part in making financial decisions for the company.*
Q19. Others oversee payments and collections. I am not a part of this process.*
Q20. The company debt is not guaranteed by me personally.*
Q21. The company has multiple people who act as representatives at events, trade shows, etc.*
Q22. I am not the primary person responsible for generating sales.*
Q23. I rarely handle major sales negotiations.*
Q24. I am not solely responsible for determining the pricing of our products and services.*
Q25. Other people in the company can communicate our value to prospect and clients without my help.*
Q26. Other team members are innovating on our current products/ services.*
Q27. Employees use the company’s vision, values and strategy to guide their decisions independent of me.*
Q28. Employees consistently identify and seek to improve organizational inefficiencies.*
Q29. There is a system in place to keep the organization informed of significant communications.*
Q30. The company culture is a direct reflection of the leadership team as opposed to me alone.*
Q31. I trust that what makes this company who it is would continue on in my absence.*
Q32. I am not responsible for maintaining primary relationships with our clients.*
Q33. If I was to exit the company, it is unlikely that any major clients would leave.*
Q34. Client testimonials praise the company as a whole, not just me.*
Q35. Clients are satisfied with their experience regardless of which team member is the lead on their project or service.*

Please provide your contact information below so that we may forward you your report.

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